English Productions


LIMOGES, J. (2010). Your career finale: making it meaningful. A vade-mecum.  Distributed by www.ccdf.ca.

LIMOGES, J. LAHAIE, R. and MARTINY, C. (2008). OPTRA Job Entry Core Program. Montreal: Yvon Blais/Carswell/Thomson. www.editionsyvonblais.com/NR/rdonlyres/6280D20F…/0/Puboptra.pdf                 THERE IS ALSO A FIRT NATIONS’ ADAPTATION OF THIS ENGLISH VERSION

LIMOGES, J. and als. (1992). Training Peer Career Counsellors. The trainer’s manual. Distributed by www.ccdf.ca.

LIMOGES, J. and als. (1992). Futur betwwen us. The participant’s manual. Distributed by www.ccdf.ca.


2009. Managing and Motivating during the Three Periods of the Career Cycle…in a Turmoil Economy. Luxembourg: AMCHAM of Luxembourg Bulletin. 2nd Quarter.

2004. Job maintenance et career management. Quality Development in Vocational Counselling and Training. Final Report. IAEVG International Conference 2003, 42-48.*

Animated play

Hold on, I’m right beside you. Skit for 2 actors and 1puppet.about Work-Life balance management.

Conferences and workshops

90 minute conferences or  1 to 4 day experiential workshops on OPTRA, The Job Entry Core Program, program now available in English (Please take note that the longer the workshop, more likely is the participation of  my collegue Cynthia MARTINY, Ph.D. (born in U.S.A.).

From a 90 minute conference to a full Career Legacy Circle given by Diane DOYON, a close collaborater. Such circles use the Vade mecum.